Stupid shit no one needs & terrible ideas hackathon även känt som Stupid hackathon – ett hackaton där deltagarna under ett dygn ska utveckla program som inte går att använda till något vettigt alls.
Stupidhackath.no is a one-day hackathon dedicated to terrible ideas & creating stupid shit no one needs. As last year, it is being organised and supported by Bakken & Bæck. It will take place at the offices of Bakken & Bæck Oslo on May 26th. Where is this?
16.09 Espen Eckbo. Post navigation;. Canal Plus. Canan Yasar.
This is a good idea as my friends often have stupid names and I can not tell them apart. Feedback · Other · Make Hackathon actually useful.
Lunch Finder. Lunch Finder, by Tyler Nichols and Andrea, uses the most "sophisticated" "geo-targeting-iest" "machine learning-iest" "technology" to return a personal lunch choice crafted just for you.
The Stupid Hackathon Thailand. 2,040 likes · 20 talking about this. งานที่จะให้ทุกคนได้ทำไอเดียบ้าๆ บอๆ ให้กลายเป็นจริง!
Follow @PoopScoopSF for live 💩 reports and SF311's response. Stupid Hackathon AMS 2017 . Join us for the second edition of Stupid Hackathon Amsterdam: a one-day, small-batch artisanal event where participants conceptualize and create projects that have no value whatsoever, organized by Stephanie and Nienke.. Date: September 16, 2017 Stupid Hackathon. 249 likes.
Hardware, software, tupperware, vaporware - we're open to just about anything. Come alone or with friends, with ideas or without - just be ready to hack on the
This is a stupid hackathon. The idea is to remove purpose from invention to reduce creative pressure and ultimately reach nirvana of absolute uselessness. No goal, no ROI, no use - case just stupid shit nobody needs.
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Hardware hacks: Super Silly Hackathon. I got the chance Mais Stupid Hackathon propose bien d'autres choses inutiles et géniales, comme le superbe site Hypochondriapp, parodie des sites comme doctissimo qui 30 dec 2017 Last february ~70 people got together and built some very weird stuff; a chatroulette clone for castanets, captchas to keep out cats, big data butt 12 Feb 2017 The Stupid Hackathon is a one-day event where participants conceptualize and create projects that have no value whatsoever.
Under 24,5 timmar arbetade 70 personer med att bygga
Det har blivit en tradition för utvecklarna på K-mit att delta i Stupid hackathon, 24-timmarseventet där “STUPID SHIT NO ONE NEEDS
Stupid Hackathon.
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22 May 2020 There's no evaluation criteria, there's only one (1) evaluation criterion: the stupider the project is, the better. STuPid haCk is a hackathon where
Public · Hosted by The Stupid Hackathon Thailand. clock. Jul 14, 2018 at 9:00 AM – Jul 15, 2018 at 6:00 PM UTC+07. More than a year ago. Hosted by. The Stupid Hackathon Thailand. 79 Went · 401 Interested.
back to the stupid hackathon website. the san francisco stupid shit no one needs and terrible ideas "hackathon" actually happened! here are some things people made at it
Bild: Stupid Hackathon.
Stupid Hackathon. 249 likes.